Did you know – that ALL Southbury Stores Accept Clean, Personal Reusable Cups When Purchasing Drinks?
Did you know that all Southbury stores allow you to use your own refillable cup when purchasing hot or cold beverages? The goal is to reduce the amount of waste created by single-use drink cups. Participation is easy - bring your clean, personal, reusable cup to any Southbury retailer.
Yes, even your big chains such as Dunkin Donuts, Panera, and Starbucks all accept your clean personal reusable cups. (Starbucks in Southbury added an option on their mobile app to support using your own cup).
Purchasing a drink in a reusable cup has many benefits: coffee stays hotter, cold drinks maintain their chill, and less trash to dispose of, which is good for the environment. Many stores provide discounts and/or reward points when you use a refillable cup.
Why Is This Important To Do?
The state of Connecticut has been battling a huge solid waste problem. Hauling costs are estimated to increase significantly. Every effort needs to be made to reduce our volume of trash. Here are some facts:
In the United States alone, 50 billion disposable coffee cups are used annually.
Coffee cups are lined with plastic to reduce leakage; they cannot be recycled; they must be disposed of as trash.
The standard polyethylene-lined paper cup takes 20 years to decompose.
Used plastic cups can't be recycled into new plastic cups; they end up in the trash and last 450 years in the environment.
All Southbury retailers support the use of reusable cups! So let’s all make this small change to benefit the environment and earn rewards at the same time! ​