Recycling Starter Kits
Starter Kits may be purchased at:
Events that we participate in
1st Sunday of the month - Eye Recycle Bottle & Can Redemption event from 12 pm to 2 pm, 800 Main Street South, Southbury, CT.
Or, send an email to info@sustainablesouthbury.org
Kit Pricing:
Full kit: transport bin, countertop bin, and BPI-certified bags for both bins - $35
Countertop bin while they last $7
BPI-certified compostable bags 2.6 gal. (Qty 25) $3
BPI-certified compostable bags 7 gal. (Qty 50) $10
Replacement bags may also be purchased on Amazon or Chatfield True Value Hardware (please ensure they say "BPI-certified compostable").
Information Session about
Southbury Transfer Station
Food Scraps Recycling Pilot

Accepted Items
ALL FOOD, including:
Fruits including pits (remove stickers)
Vegetables (remove stickers, bands, ties)
Meat and Poultry (bones ok)
Fish and Shellfish (shells ok)
Dairy Products
Bread and Pasta
Rice and Grains
Egg Shells
Chips and Snacks (no packaging)
Nuts and Seeds
Leftover, Spoiled and Expired Food (cooked ok)
Coffee Grounds (paper filters ok)
Tea Bags (no staples or plastic strings/bags)
Paper Towels and Napkins (with food waste only, NO chemicals)
Bouquet of Cut Flowers
BPI Certified Compostable Bags (no plastic bags)
Items Not Accepted
Plastic bags, plastic packaging, and wrappers are never allowed in the bins. Plastic does not biodegrade and therefore will contaminate the compost. Use only BPI certified compostable bags or no bags.
Baby/Hand wipes and diapers are never allowed in the bins. They are synthetic, do not biodegrade and will contaminate the compost.
Pet waste
Cornstarch packing peanuts
Compostable insulation
Compostable paper plates, utensils, or cups
Other types of compostable bags (Only BPI Certified))
Yard Waste
Paper towels with cleaning chemicals
Tissues (used or not)
If unsure about an item, please email before putting it in the bin: info@sustainablesouthbury.org

Food Waste Recycling FAQ's
What are BPI certified compostable bags? Answer...
Do I need to use BPI certified compostable bags? Answer...
Do I need a transfer station permit? Answer...
Where is our food waste taken? Answer...
Do I need to buy a starter kit to participate? Answer...
If something is marked "compostable," can I recycle it with food waste? Answer...