Business Waste Reduction Program
Business Waste Reduction Program
A suite of free services to help businesses reduce waste and reduce costs.
We have partnered with energy and waste management experts to provide free assessments, customized recommendations, and implementation assistance.
We focus on wasted food reduction, general waste reduction and recycling assistance, energy efficiency services to reduce operating costs, and sustainable purchasing assistance.
Community Energy Programs
Community Energy Programs
Our mission is simple ...
Help the town's residents and businesses to reduce energy consumption and make better use of renewable energy.
Attend one of our many information sessions presented by experts in the industry. Learn about energy-efficient heat pumps, water heaters, weatherizing, and how to right-size solar & battery storage.
Food Waste Reduction Programs
Food Waste Reduction Programs
We must do something to address the waste crisis and get ahead of rising costs.
Food scrap recycling is one solution that can save money and reduce trash. Your food scraps will go to a composter or to Quantum Biopower, saving $$ on trash hauling AND creating compost or clean energy.
Learn how to participate, receive an instruction guide, and buy an (optional) inexpensive food scrap kit (includes countertop bin, transport bin, and BPI-certified compostable bags). Find out what's accepted and not accepted, plus frequently asked questions.
Plastic Reduction Initiatives
Plastic Reduction Initiatives
Learn about:
What The Researchers and Doctors Have Learned About Plastic In Our Bodies
REFILL Not Landfill campaign when buying hot or cold beverages in Southbury stores,
EyeRecycle Event held on the first Sunday of every month to quickly recycle your redeemable bottles and cans for cash
Choose To Refuse Single-Use Plastic with your takeout orders
How To Recycle properly
Plastics Affect Your Health
How Am I Exposed?
What Happens After I'm Exposed?
How Is My Health Affected?
Who Is The Most Vulnerable?
What Is The Health Cost?
What Are The Solutions?