Plastics And Human Health

Plastics And Chemicals
​Over 98% of plastics are made from fossil carbons such as oil and gas. Turning these substances into plastics involves the addition of petrochemical additives – quite a lot of them. Over 13,000 chemicals are known to be involved in the production of plastic.
More than 2,300 of these are “chemicals of concern.” Some are highly toxic and include carcinogens, neurotoxicants, and endocrine disruptors. These chemicals pose serious risks to human health because they can leach or migrate at every stage of the plastics’ life cycle.
Where Are Plastics Found?
Plastics are everywhere in our environment. They are in the air we breathe, the water we drink, our soil, our food and beverages, and they have migrated into every organ within our body.
Many of the thousands of chemicals in plastic leach into our food from the plastic packaging used in selling the food and beverages to us. They are in the cookware and utensils used in preparing food in our kitchens.
Every week, we are ingesting the equivalent of a credit card’s worth of microplastics.​

Schedule A Screening And Presentation

We are scheduling education events throughout the community to communicate the health risks associated with plastic use. Please contact us to schedule an event in your community setting.
View Movie - We're All Plastic People Now
An Emmy Award-winning documentary introduced by Ted Danson and featured at the 2024 Santa Fe Film Festival about the impact of plastics on your health. This film presents the findings of many researchers and physicians. Their research shows that plastic is in the air, in the water, in the food, it's in all of our bodies. It’s been found inside our bodies, our colons, our brains, in breast milk, and in developing wombs. Now, it’s even in our hearts. This groundbreaking film, for the first time ever, tests the producer’s blood and four generations of family members for chemicals derived from plastic. The results are alarming. -
Discussion of the movie
Reducing Your Exposure
Sustainable Southbury will provide practical tips for reducing exposure to harmful plastic chemicals. Don't miss this important opportunity to safeguard your well-being and your loved ones! -
View the movie trailer: We're All Plastic People Now
To schedule your showing, contact us at info@sustainablesouthbury.org.

Presentation Resources
South Florida PBS Presents Full Viewing of Movie: We're All Plastic People Now
Reduce Exposure: Practical Tips For Reducing Your Exposure To Harmful Plastic Chemicals
Flyer: Plastics Affect Our Health